Week 8

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Hello!!! Or as they say in die Schweiz, Gruezi! Im so blessed to be here in the best area in the best mission in the world! not that im biased or anything haha. So before I forget super exciting  news, Elder Bednar is coming to our mission this week! We we’re off the münchen for mission conference and alsoooo we’re getting iPads soon! The Lord truly is hastening His Work! So this week has been amaaazing! I wouldn’t rather be anywhere else in the world- A couple of lessons this week stand out and they were the ones where the spirit was the most, when we followed what He wanted us to say and do. We gave a first lesson to two friends of a former investigator who was there too and we talked about the Restoration and as I recounted Joseph Smith’s first vision from his own words the power of the word of God, was so there! it was incredible experience and really strengthened my testimony. I feel just so blessed!!!!! I came here to serve and to help but the more I try to give my all the more the Lord blesses me, it is truly amazing, He loves us soo much! Faith!!! A principle of power! That God grants to those who put their trust in him, so when I have those people tell us we’re a cult, that tell us to stop what we do, that are rude and ignore us.. when life seems to be a bit overwhelming.. its okay! because if we put our trust in God he will deliver us :)))) He will raise us up! I know He is there and He loves us, I am so grateful for this knowledge. This week one of our investigators told us we have the best job in the world and its so true! I am so blessed 🙂 I love you all, liebe grusse

Sister Burgess

One thought on “Week 8

  1. Hey Rachel

    I’m glad you are having such a fantastic time you will be an amazing missionary

    Love ta
    Sister Nicholls


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