Week 69

hey! so this week was goooooood!!! it was just really made clear to me again just how powerful prayer is. we went finding this week and we didnt know where to go in the little town we were at. so we sat down and prayed, i had had the feeling before one direction and still had the feeling but we almost had the but first this way- the opposite way. so we just got up and started walking and we passed this man with a cute little kid on his shoulders and we were like awww and then just felt like wait we cant let him pass us by. so we turned around and started talking. in the beginning he was like no i don’t believe there could be a prophet today and then asked us if we are a sect. so.. we were able to explain and ask him if we could share our message sometime, or even now if he had a few minutes.. turns out he did so we all sit ourselves down and we share the message of the restoration. he took the book, and promised to read and pray about it. then he gave us his address and told us to come back this week! it was amazing to see how the lord will show us where to go as we ask for his help. also this week one morning i was totally freaking out about something and i didn even know what. i just couldnt sit still, my tummy was all upset, something just felt way off,way wron. i had no idea.. but as soon as i prayed for peace i was fine. i still dont know why, it was just your normal saturday morning. but i know that whatever the problem prayer will help. even in the little things! like just now we lost the key to the garage and i prayed and i found it. i am so grateful for the knowledge that heavenly father loves me, that he really listens and really actually cares. just think about that! the most almighty, powerful, omnipotent being in the entire universe cares so much that it is literally his work and his glory to help me to reach eternal life and immortality. and not just me but every one of you too! i love the message of the gospel! also funny moment: i litrally brushed my teeth with my eyes closed because Iwas so tired hahaha. i love being a missionary.

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